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База Знаний Тематика: технические вопросы, нанотехнологии, инновации
Температура кипения: низкая
Запас прочности: практический опыт
Степень защиты: жесткая модерация

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Непрочитано 16.04.2009, 06:29   #37
Регистрация: 20.01.2007
Сообщений: 12,435
Репутация 356 [+/-]
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А нет проблем и с переводом и с прочим.
В ворд-прессе аж более 30 плагинов
на эту тему..
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вот что пишут к примеру об одном
Indoeuropean Translator Widget

* Description
* Installation
* Faq
* Screenshots
* Other Notes
* Stats

Author: Carlos Quiles

This plugin provides a widget which offers links to different automatic translations of the current site in one of your sidebars.

It is one of the simplest widgets available for this task, using the individual plugins listed at http://carlosquiles.com/indo-europea...lation-plugin/

Feature List

* it doesn't show flag images but instead uses the native language name - it saves load time, and visitors don't have to click the flag of the UK to read the English version, or the flag of Spain to read the Spanish one.
* it displays valid XHTML code - with correct XML lang definitions.
* links come by default with the tag "rel=nofollow", so they are not followed by search engines like Google and you don't 'lose' pagerank.
* it is easily customised - for language deletions or additions alike.
* it links to all available languages and language pairs of Google Translation Engine, from and into English, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.
* additional translations into languages offered by Tranexp and other translator engines are only available from the English widget.
* other translation plugins usually play with your DB or Permalinks to create a fiction of having more blog pages with hiden links to external translations, to cheat Google and get more indexed (fictional) pages: with this plugin, you only add automatic links, and you can quit it when you want without any problems at all.

Tags: indonesian, filipino, catalan, bulgarian, german, greek, estonian, dutch, french, hebrew, czech, galician, italian, Danish, japanese, hindi, hungarian, croatian, chinese, arabic, albanian, english, sidebar, widget, language, translation, finnish, translator, korean, latvian, lithuanian, maltese, Norwegian, polish, portuguese, romanian, Russian, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, Swedish, thai, turkish, ukrainian, vietnamese, deutsch, français, español, italiano, português, nederlands, svenska, bulgarski, cesky, dansk, 日本語, Ελληνικά, hrvatski, 한국어, norsk, polski, Русский, română, suomi, 中文, 漢語, català, galego, bahasa indonesia, tagalog, magyar, türkçe
так что уже решили
и мутиь ни к чиму..

в пику Ольг,
а слабо замутить праверку синтаксиса,
а то тут пишут - абы как - по бобрятски
тип как у миня...

у нас в ворд-прессе
это в ядре уже реаллизовано
еще пока даже не-распяли..
поэтому и воскрешаться не буду...
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