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Непрочитано 30.01.2009, 07:37   #116
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Есть такой канадский певец Стомпинг Том Коннорс.
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Believe In Your Country lyrics by Stompin' Tom Connors

Goodbye Jim & Jackie, goodbye John & May
We hate to see you leaving, bound for the USA
But if you don't believe your country should come before yourself
Ya can better serve your country, by living somewhere else
I know the times are changing, factories closing down
But if you stay and help us, we can turn these things around
But if you don't believe your country should come before yourself
Ya can better serve your country, by living somewhere else
And while our politicians, divde our presious land
We speak in French & English, but they still don't understand
If you don't believe your country should come before yourself
Ya can better serve your country, by living somewhere else
In a land that's short on heros, they trade our jobs away
And we don't need no zeros to come and help us save the day
So if you don't believe your country should come before yourself
Ya can better serve your country, by living somewhere else
And if you should find your heaven, where stars & stripes are flown
You'll learn to stand more proudly, than you ever stood back home
And they'll tell you that your country, must come before yourself
Or you'll have to serve your country by living somewhere else
So goodbye Jim & Jackie, goodbye John & May
We hope that you'll be happy, living in the USA
Cause if you don't believe your country should come before yourself
Ya can better serve your country, by living somewhere else
If you don't believe your country should come before yourself
Ya can better serve your country, by living somewhere else
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