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Непрочитано 25.03.2023, 05:42   #34
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==> почему американцы не могут повторить полет на луну?

The United States hasn’t sent humans to the moon since 197212. The Apollo Moon Program was successful because it was a massive brute force effort, where the government funded it3. Today’s rockets struggle to accomplish the same task because they are not as powerful as the Saturn V rocket3.

==> почему современные ракеты не имеют достаточной мощности чтобы достигнуть луны?

The Saturn V rocket used in the Apollo Moon Program was a massive brute force effort, where the government funded it1. Today’s rockets struggle to accomplish the same task because they are not as powerful as the Saturn V rocket

==> why Today’s rockets are not as powerful as the Saturn V rocket

The Saturn V rocket used in the Apollo Moon Program was a massive brute force effort, where the government funded it. Today’s rockets struggle to accomplish the same task because they are not as powerful as the Saturn V rocket
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