09.11.2017, 05:44
Сообщение от Кузя
Please see above. From what I remember all the forums similar to Enot are free.
Usually the one who organised the forum names himself as an admin. Or the same person elects the other one. Usually among his friends. This forum is pretty simple and as you see is quite similar to Nasha Pravda. More complicated forums could involve some fee. Or once and if it becomes popular you can make money by inviting advertisers.
I have no idea how to make the forum popular. As you remember forum Pravda was a part of gazeta Pravda. Therefore we had hundreds of members.
I believe that some people from big forums develop some sort of a group and open their own or move to another one. You have this experience. Right?
Thank you. Just as I wondered if "our Russian partners" may be too skittish or paranoid to answer my questions, it took you, another potential enemy from over the hill, to respond. 
It's a bit odd that, in Russia, one can create a freewheeling forum absolutely for free. What is the incentive for the host? Doesn't it take some valuable bandwidth? Aren't there any financial administrative costs and any paid labor involved to technically maintain it? Have you ever noticed advertisers, say, on Enot? I haven't.
Now, I'm absolutely ignorant if there are any analogies to that in this country. When I asked my old friend, the CMC professor, he directed me to a couple of forums, again based in universities. In such cases, I can imagine, it's the universities that support them both financially and administratively. That's how it was in our case, 27 years ago, and when a small number of us began to chat a lot and on every possible subject under the sun, the "owner" politely asked us to find a different place. (Then we "migrated" to a small and very dead discussion group about yachts and were chased from there too, by angry yachtsmen. ) Now, of course, back then, the web didn't yet exist, and internet, in general, was available only to the military and academia.
Now, I hope you understand that I have absolutely no interest or desire to create a forum in Russia or in the US. The questions I posted is only a by-product to hoping to find out if or how a style of interaction differs in the US from that in Russia, with Enot merely an example of the latter. I would like to say that "we don't talk like that," but, in reality, I don't know. I suspect that, today, university-based forums, here or in Russia, would have them administratively policed and wouldn't tolerate such manners.
What do you think?